Harappa was as widespread in the Indus as the Mohenjodaro civilization. The agrarian Harappan civilization developed even before Mohenjo-Daro.
Discovery of Harappan civilization
Harappa was discovered in 1826 and was first excavated by Sir Alexander Cunningham in 182-183. Later, large-scale excavations were carried out in 1920 under the leadership of Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni. After the independence of Pakistan in 1977, Mohammed Rafique Mughal started excavations again.

The agrarian Harappa also carries the luster of the metal
Spread over a vast area, this Harappan civilization was similar to Mohenjo-Daro. This civilization developed around agriculture as there was a lot of rainfall on this land. Harappa is agricultural because of the humid climate. Although the Harappan civilization was established by focusing on agricultural work, large buildings and stone and metal ruins were also found in the area. The huge buildings and metal sculptures of Harappan carry brilliance.
Ethnic group of Harappan civilization
Like Mohenjo-Daro, the ethnic controversy is one of the most controversial issues since the discovery of Harappa. The Harappan people are also classified as Caucasian, Algae, Mediterranean, Mongolian.
Harappa and Mohenjodaro are members of the Vedic civilization?
Many believe that the Harappan and Mohenjodaro civilizations were created by the Vedas. Those who believe that Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were created by the Vedas argue that the Vedic civilization and the Mohenjodaro civilization are in the immediate vicinity and both are located in the same region (Indian subcontinent) and on the same land. But the Indian subcontinent is a place where there can be similarities and differences between one and the other. Again, various features and diversity are also noticeable. Therefore, no matter how much scholars and researchers try to say that Harappa and Mohenjodaro were created by the Vedas, it will never become a common belief. However, there is no denying that the Harappan and Mohenjodaro civilizations were created by the Indians.

How advanced were Harappa and Mohenjodaro?
The two most ancient civilizations of the Indian subcontinent, Harappa, and Mohenjo-Daro, located in the Sindh province of Pakistan, were very advanced, we now believe. But it was not possible to get a very good idea of how advanced these two civilizations were. However, what appears to be archeological finds is that this civilization was far more advanced than we thought. The people here belonged to different ethnic groups, but they all lived in harmony. The Harappan and Mohenjodaro civilizations depended on agriculture. Researchers have found wheat, barley, mung bean, lentils, mustard, cotton, sesame, buckwheat, paddy, etc. in the area. Large stocks have been found for storing grain. Besides, special arrangements for drainage of large drains and water have also been found here. Harappa and Mohenjodaro had large buildings, classified baths, etc. Finding a wide road there. Just like the big buildings, the small houses have been found in this oldest civilization of India.
The first settlement of Harappan civilization on the banks of the river Saraswati?
New information came up in the research of IIT Bombay!
The Harappans initially settled on the banks of the Ghaggar river
Which later became known as the mythical Saraswati. Researchers have recently made such a claim. They also claim that there is clear evidence in light of this argument.
In the 19th century, it was assumed that the Saraswati was the Ghaggar-Hakra river, which now flows between India and Pakistan. However, as there is no conclusive evidence of the existence of the Rigveda river, historians and geologists have generally rejected that hypothesis. Even then, it was thought that the people of the Harappan civilization survived on rainwater.
A few years ago, researchers from the Department of Geology at IIT Bombay published a report in the journal Scientific Report. Researchers at the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad also worked with IITs on the study. The same research report states, “By researching the Ghaggar River, which has survived for many years, we have discovered the existence of the river over a 300-kilometer stretch of that Harappan civilization.”
The study claims that the Harappan people made their initial settlement along the Ghaggar river. Today, 9,000 to 4,500 years ago, the river next to the Harappa settlement became known as Saraswati. However, with the age of the Harappan civilization, the river became separated from the glaciers.
Researchers believe that large cities such as Mohenjodaro and Harappa were built along the Indus and Ravi rivers. But at the local level, why would the people of that civilization settle on the banks of a river that is drying up? From this, researchers estimate that the river was originally associated with glaciers. Later, due to changes in the environment, the connection was severed.

How we know the history of Harappan civilization:
The Indus Valley Civilization (or Harappan Civilization) has its roots in the Mehergarh Civilization of 6000 BC. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, two of the best cities in the Indus Valley Civilization, were formed in the Indus River Valley in the Punjab and Sindh region by 2600 BC. The ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization were discovered in the 1920s at Mohenjo-Daro near Sukkur in Sindh and Harappa in the West Punjab, south of Lahore. Poo in India too Multiple centers of this civilization have been discovered from the foothills of the Himalayas in Punjab to Gujarat in the south. Traces of this civilization have also been found in western Balochistan. Although the Harappa archeological site was damaged during the construction of the Lahore-Multan railway in 1857, many antiquities have been discovered.

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Shamol Nath is a writter & Documentary film Director. Shamol Nath Write and made documetaries over the decade.
He mainly focus on literature and films. Write poems, story, eassy and recently write a novel etc.